Get More Leads

For Lower Cost

Video ads consistently outperform image ads in cost-per-lead and cost-per click. We recently ran one of our video ads alongside our client's image ad and cut more than half off the cost-per lead ($19.29 vs $9.68 per lead).

Magic "grow business" button

Bring In More Leads

You Gotta Put It Out There

One of the fastest ways to go out of business is to keep the fact that you're in business a secret.

Yes, ads work. Yes, even if you've tried ads before and they didn't work. Ads have to be run correctly, and there's some back-end stuff that has to be done (ask us about the client who had paid $1,000 in ad spend, gotten 50 leads....but didn't know about them).

We believe in testing out messaging first, then (and only then) investing heavily into ad messaging that we know to be effective for your product + audience combination.

Spread the Word

Awareness is key, but ads are also effective in finding interested people.

Spark the Interest

A good ad will pull a viewer's attention away and keep it there until you're done.

Pay Less For Them

Keep Acquisition Costs Low

Making video ads introduces a pretty significant cost to your customer acquisition process. Even our most affordable package (spoiler alert) is still $750, and compared to an image ad that you can build for free or pay a designer $50 for, that's a high upfront cost.

The good news is that our ads are worth it. It is not uncommon for our clients to save more than $10 per lead while maintaining (or improving) the quality of each lead that comes in.

So when should you start video? About the time you want more than 70 leads out of any single campaign. The more the video costs, the more leads you need to plan on getting to hit that break-even point.

Bigger Investment

As much as we'd like to work with everyone, you may not be ready for the scale of video ads.

Better Return

But if you are, you can start to get a much better ROI that continually gets better as we test and compare.

Social Media Ads in Utah

How Does It Work?

Lead Generation

If you have the manpower to follow up with leads that the ads bring in, we can do this utilizing Facebook's lead forms or direct traffic to a landing page where you capture their information there.

New Bookings

If you'd rather have prospective customers book with you directly, we can connect the ad with an online calendar booking service so the appointments just appear on your calendar.


Sometimes the goal isn't a purchase, sometimes it's just to spread a message or generate positive awareness of a brand. We can mai

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Sample Projects

1 of 2 Versions

1 of 3 Versions

1 of 3 Versions

Pricing for Every Project



  • 2 hours of shooting (usually enough for 2-4 videos) + editing
  • OR up to 3 minutes of doodle animation
  • OR up to 30-seconds of 2D animation

**Artwork provided by client



The basic package PLUS:

  • We hire models/voice talent as needed
  • We write the script(s)
  • We secure a location/artwork as needed
Double (Basic/Turnkey)


Everything in either Basic or Turnkey, just twice.

Let Robin Hood Studios Capture More Customers

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